Giving it all / by Carolyn Busa

Last night I was in the middle of my living room, swiveling on my green chair. I was in the process of flattening out a new rug, putting piles of my heaviest books around the corners. At the top of one of these piles was one of my favorite but silliest books, Having It All.

Published in 1982, the book about dealing with men and women and sex and marriage and career success, wasn’t meant to be silly but in 2020, titles like “Behave Yourself With His Secretary” and “Doing What You Don’t Like During Sex”, can’t be taken too seriously.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was also someone who, earlier than 1982, dealt with men and women and sex and marriage and career success. However, her words are opinions are far from silly. They are inspiring, they are landmark, they are challenging. Women today are able to have it all because RBG gave it all.

Read: A Five-Decade-Long Friendship That Began With A Phone Call
Watch: RBG
Learn: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's most notable Supreme Court decisions and dissents