I don't wanna hold your hand by Carolyn Busa

“I’ve been out of love for so long that now when I see a couple holding hands I think ‘Oh cool. They must be filming a movie.’”

Okay, yes. I just quoted one of my jokes. But it’s true. The simple act of holding hands has become not only foreign to me but kinda scary. I think hand holding is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone. The interlocking fingers. The suction. The touching of webbing between our fingers. Gross.

In the few years I’ve committed to embracing my sexuality, I’ve simultaneously started rejecting hand holding. At this point I rather ask someone to spit in my mouth instead of touch their fingers. Every new person I’ve been involved with I make sure to tell them about my dislike of PDA. But I’m not a cold person. In fact, I’m a very touchy person. A tap on the arm here. A brush of the leg there. I love oxytocins. But the touch of someone’s hand feels less exhilarating and more loss of freedom. I’m attached to another person. Might as well put a ring on my ring finger and a bun in my oven. Okay, I’m being dramatic, but have you seen those couples who insist on holding hands even though they walk at different speeds? Is someone in trouble? Are you late? No thank you! I didn’t go to college to have to walk at a different pace than my own. 

I know my fear of hand holding is only going to get worse. My intimacy tolerance diminishes with each year I push it away. Ever have a drink with someone who hasn’t in awhile? It doesn’t take much for them to start giggling. Being a lightweight is great (and cost-effective) when it comes to drinking. Being a lightweight when it comes to intimacy is not as cute.

Dr. Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institute, which is either the best or worst place in the world, said in a 2016 Huffington Post article, “When the fingers are interlaced and someone is holding your hand, they’re stimulating pressure receptors [that trigger] what’s called vagal activity.” And while vagal activity sounds like something vagina-related, be assured it is not. “When there’s pressure in the touch, the heart rate goes down, the blood pressure goes down, and you’re put in a relaxed state.” In other words, holding someone’s hand chills you the eff out. Well, WTF? I love chilling out!

Recently someone took my hand as we walked. He was well aware of my anti-PDA stance so when he went for it, I tensed up.

We both knew he was rebelling. He looked at me and smiled. “See? It’s not so bad.” I giggled nervously. He was right. It wasn’t so bad. And later on in the evening, when we became the couple at the bar making out in their booth, the couple I hate, the couple I point to and proclaim my usual, “I hate PDA.”, I had a revelation and pulled away to announce it: 

“I think I say I don’t like PDA to people...because I don’t like them.” 

The people who have been in and out of my life have been great. Okay, they’ve been fine. But in the back of my head I always knew they weren’t a fit for the version of me who does want to be intimate. The version of me who does want to go deeper. The version of me who is my ultimate true self. Maybe I do like PDA and hand holding and all the wonderful intimate things you can do with a person, as long as that person is someone I feel myself around. Someone I’m being both inwardly and outwardly honest.

I think I’m over wearing my fear of intimacy like a badge of honor. I’m ready for a new badge. Stella got her groove back, but, baby, I’m getting my hands back.  

Wanna (fool, mess, roll, goof) around? by Carolyn Busa

Well, here we are. It’s summertime. Warm days, long nights, sticky thighs and sticky fingers from my dripping...ice cream cone.

Summer makes me think of two things: hot sex and cold ice cream. I want both on a constant loop. I want both at the same time. I’m a Little Miss Veruca Salt of boning and soft serve. I want it now! 

There are many variations of both sex and ice cream: flavors, positions, toppings, toys. You like it on top? Great. Chocolate/vanilla swirl, you say? Sounds good to me!

It’s no surprise to me that we all have different preferences when it comes to sex (and ice cream). But what has come as a surprise to me is how we choose to define what goes down in the bedroom (Or kitchen counter. You do you). Jimmies and sprinkles may mean the same thing but are messing around and fooling around also the same? I say no!

Here is my very scientific glossary of hook-ups for you to review while waiting for your Mister Softee. Or Carvel. Or Ample Hills. Or Van Leeuwen. Or Big Gay. Or Cold Stone. Or DQ. Or Ben and Jerry’s. 

Goofing around - There’s not much action happening during goofing around. Goofing around is the turf that will eventually be played on. But not yet. Right now it’s flirting. Lightly touching someone’s back after a funny joke (that probably wasn’t funny but you’re trying to show interest). Goofing around lays the groundwork for…

Rolling around - Back in the day first base meant kissin’ wit dat tongue. Think of rolling around as a more intense version of first base. But rolling around is not just one kiss. It’s a make-out sesh like none other. It’s all the kisses you wanted to give that person while you were goofing around. Rolling around is a sweet release. But not that kind of release. That release comes with...

Fooling around - Now. We’re. Talking. Or not talking, nah’ mean? Fooling around finally gives us a look at each other’s junk. Questions are answered. Sights are seen. No penetration.

Screwing around - This is a very penetrative-focused hook-up state. Do not ask someone if they want to screw around unless you are 100% sure you are on the same page. There’s no screwing around when it comes to screwing around. 

Messing around - Like screwing around except it’s forbidden

Fuck around - All the perks of screwing around with the added bonus of jokes and play. This is a very sexy but very comfortable hook-up. You can stop, start, tickle, tease. Accidentally fart? No problem. You’re done being superficial at this point. You only fuck around with someone you care about moles, smells, freckles, sounds and all. 

Crawl around - Like all of the above but on your knees, you kinky freak. 

Fart around - Marriage. 

Does my glossary match up with yours? What are your go-to descriptions of hooking up? What ones do you use most? Never? Tell me!!!

Happy Meal for One Lovefool by Carolyn Busa

My favorite song on The Cardigans’ First Band on the Moon album is not “Lovefool”.

For those of you still reading, thank you. Yes, “Lovefool” is a great song that livens any wedding or karaoke sesh but I’m sorry it’s not my fave. My favorite song is a less upbeat, shorter track that plays three songs earlier, “Happy Meal II”.

When I was 11 years old (holy shit I can’t believe I’ve been listening to this album for over 20 years), I liked it for the creepy organ; the slow, building drums; the part where Nina says ‘bubbles’. Sure, I still like the song for those reasons but I like it even more now that I understand the anticipation Nina is singing about.

Arrange my books in order
Make up some nice stories to amuse you
Make things look smart and easy
Shape up the place
Hungry for the meeting
The dinner we'll be eating
Wine that we'll be drinking
And kinky thoughts I'm thinking
All because of you

Nina is preparing her place for a visitor and it sounds like it will be a visitor of the ‘sex’ variety. She’s tidying up, thinking of what fun stories she’ll tell and getting lost in her imagination about where the night will go.

During my first and only year of living on my own, I’ve had similar moments like this. Getting my apartment ready for someone who I had I certain intentions with. Finding fun in anticipating our ‘dance’ around my apartment. No, I don’t take baths with bubbles (bathtub + old building + many tenants + no matter how hard I scrub it looks dirty = showers only for Carolyn) but I do relate to making things look smart and easy.

There’s a moment of excitement when someone sees my place. I love hearing them say things like, “Neat space!” or “Wow. Big kitchen.” or my favorite “Dang girl, you have 3 closets?” I love when I cook but the only evidence of this are the lingering smells and leftovers in the fridge. No crusty pots or pans or sauce-stained stove. No, my dishes are already drying in the rack. My countertops wiped. My place is shaped.

I watch them peer around out as my perfect playlist plays. I perch cooly on the edge of my couch pretending I always sit like a cat and purr:

Would you like a glass of water? Need a shower? Go for it. I have extra towels. Floss? Q-tips? Oh, that? That’s a photo from my trip to Germany last year. Yes, I’ve been to Europe. Let’s turn on the TV. I’ll grab the remote that’s not a game controller. What’s your poison? Hulu? Netflix? Prime? I got it all.*

But I've found that when my little show and tell ends, my excitement also ends. I no longer want to lead the next part of the night. My dominance quickly turning into Shows over, now what?

I’ve been trying to figure out what this means. Why the main reason I like bringing people home isn’t for making the kinky thoughts I’m thinking a reality, it’s for showing them my shit and how together it is. What type of person does this make me? What sort of things am I looking for? Why don’t I relate to the later lyrics of “Happy Meal II”?

And now I've found a partner
No one can be happier than I am
And now I've found a new friend
No one can be happier than me

Is this temporary? Am I just enjoying this new phase of adulting until the right, or better, person fits into the life I created? Or am I wired to find fulfillment in different ways? Am I nesting for the perfect partner or for the perfect me?

Whatever the answer is, I hope to embrace it fully. I don’t want to feel like I’m missing out. I don’t want to feel like I’m wrong. What I expected out of relationships, love, and sex is certainly not what I thought ten years ago and definitely not what I thought at 11 years old. I never expected my matches above the toilet or clean kitchen to be the things that get me off but right now they are. No, I haven’t found a partner but I’ve found a new friend in my home, a new friend in myself and right now that makes me very happy, Miss Nina.

*Okay, I admit. I don’t have HBO.

Rockets, Mountains and Empty Roads by Carolyn Busa

As I prepare for a semi-cross country road trip with my sister (NJ - CO), I’m getting excited thinking about the possibility of running into some old flames. A businessman from a hotel? No. A cowboy in Texas? No. I’m talking about rockets, mountains and empty roads.

These flames are unlike any of my current or former lovers. I don’t need to impress, flirt, or stalk them on Instagram like other crushes. My obsession runs deeper than that. They can excite me, scare me, and leave me breathless without doing a single thing. They aren’t crushes, they are colossal.

It started with rockets. A few year back, I found myself in Huntsville, Alabama at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. A space museum was something my dad would enjoy, not me. No, I ended up there because I was following a boy. A boy who, yes, I still credit for unlocking my sexuality but at that time I also thought he held the one and only key. It would take some time for me to discover that not only could this key be duplicated but it could take the shape of many people, places and soon-to-be things.

My feigned enthusiasm to impress my lover, soon turned into the real thing. I peered up the fuel-less skirts of missiles and rockets and felt a creepy, yet sensual, sensation come over me. I admired a Saturn 5 replica, read about the Explorer 1 detecting the Van Allen radiation belt (which my dad can tell you all about) and stood in awe of a gigantic Space Transportation System that while never actually having traveled to space, still left me dizzy.

The dizziness continued with the sight of the Apollo 16 command module that carried three men back to Earth in April of 1972. Right there in front of me was something that chilled in space, somewhere so far away from my own life, my own little body. I got goosebumps then, I get goosebumps now.

I wouldn’t experience a moment like that again until 3 years later on a work trip turned me trip. I extended time in Utah with a trip to Boise, Idaho to do...nothing. I had no intentions. I had nothing planned. I just wanted to drive.

As I started my journey to Idaho, I thought I made a mistake. I was hungover and not looking forward to a car ride. Thankfully my surroundings medicated all that. Out of my windows were very real, very big mountains. My headache disappeared as fits of laughter took over. Goosebumps. Smiles. I found myself singing (and enjoying) Kid Rock. Every song I would usually roll my eyes at suddenly seemed meaningful and perfectly-timed.

I was in a car commercial. I was in a video game. I was in a music video. I followed the sunset into the big sky where lonely hills (Or were they dunes? What is a dune?) led my way. I couldn’t stop taking pictures. I knew the feeling in my body I was trying to capture wouldn’t be visible, but I had to try. I loved this. I got to my Airbnb and pondered how I could continue whatever this was into the next day.

The following morning, not knowing what to expect, I started driving towards a nature reserve I barely researched. The GPS stopped providing directions and instead showed me a squiggly line to follow. Signs and civilization disappeared and I found myself in the emptiest place I've ever been. There was nothing but me, my Weezer playmix and my body pulsing as it experienced a new, very intense version of being alone. I was sad. I was turned on. I wanted to share it with everyone and yet I also wanted to keep it to myself. I allowed my brain to think of getting a flat tire or running out of gas and screamed. But I wasn’t scared.

A few days later when I was back in New York, sitting on a crowded subway train, I put on the same music I had listened to during my drives out West. I felt tears well my eyes as I thought about that empty, lonely place my body had been and where it was now. Again I became sad. Again I was turned on. I thought about those spaces like an ex-lover, wondering what they were doing now. Who were the mountains guiding today? I wondered if astronauts look up at the sky and thought the same of the stars.

It’s easy to think of being horny as this moment where we become mushy-brained, goofy idiots grinding on the nearest hard surface we can find. Sure, that happens. But there are also the moments like above. The larger than life reminders of how lucky we are to feel even an ounce of pleasure as we inhabit a world where we are so insignificant. We credit our lovers and our vibrators for what the world has provided.

I’ve been taking sneak peaks on Google Maps of the roads and sights my sister and I will be passing soon (I guess you can stalk a colossal crush). I wonder how my flames will reveal themselves to me, especially considering the lack of space museums planned. Will it be a mountain? A sunset? A gigantic corn field in Kansas? An unexpected rainstorm forcing us to pull over? Honestly, I hope it’s all four but I’ll leave it up to you, world. You’re the one in charge here.

Alone with a dirty window

Alone with a dirty window

Any cheaters here tonight? by Carolyn Busa

I cheated.

I’m a cheater.

Do you hate me now?

I wouldn’t say I’m proud I cheated but...I certainly don’t regret it. If I was a character on one of your shows (‘stories’ for the more mature readers), you’d be tweeting, “She deserved it!”

I did deserve it.

But I’m not a character on your show and you don’t have the backstory or 4 seasons worth of episodes to look back on for context. So when it comes time to admit I cheated, the support is never as loud. I have jokes about cheating and as soon as I say the word ‘cheat’ on stage, the crowd tenses. The laughs subside. A random weirdo in the back woos.

I think it’s the word ‘cheat.’ That hard ‘t’ really sets people off. They think of all the other hard ‘t’ words: shit, hurt, cunt, slut, and the biggest offender of them all, moist.


I could switch it up. Maybe use the light and airy ‘affair’ but it wasn’t an affair (An affair is when you fly to have sex, right?).

So I don’t know. What do you call ‘having sex with someone else because you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship at the same time you’re beginning your sexual prime’?

The word that comes to mind is freedom.

One of the sessions a few weeks ago at the Southwest Love Fest started by sex educator Sara Connell asking us to think for a few moments about something that we used to believe about sex, relationships or intimacy that we don’t believe anymore. Many came to mind (sex equals immediately pregnant, casual sex will always lack intimacy, the concept of ‘losing ones virginity’) but a big one for me was that cheating makes you a terrible person. That cheating was the worst thing you can do.

I never imagined I’d be a cheater. Cheating was selfish. Cheating was something Carrie Bradshaw did not Carolyn Busa. So as I found myself moving closer and closer to becoming a cheater, I wondered if my decision to move into this new territory was simply for a cheap thrill. It’s taken me awhile to realize that, no, that decision of mine was so much more than just a lapse of judgement.

It’s impossible to give audiences the full rundown of what led to my cheating on my boyfriend of 4 years during my usual 8 minute sets. I have a lot of other things I want to talk about on stage (ie. my now healthy sex life). But I do wish people’s faces weren’t immediately soured by my admitting I cheated. No one knows the whole side of the story. For starters, he was a dj.

JK JK JK. I know djs aren’t bad people. Admittedly, I’d even like to be one! Why? Because djs are supposed to inspire you, make you want to dance, tease you with their bass not taunt you with their words. Words like those hard ‘t’ words above, some of which I went to bed hearing screamed at me. Or texted to me. I look at my pictures from that time and I can find an insult or unnecessary argument behind each one.

My 26th birthday. Not pictured: the annoyance expressed by my boyfriend for me wanting to stay out longer

My 26th birthday. Not pictured: the annoyance expressed by my boyfriend for me wanting to stay out longer

A work trip in San Diego. Not pictured: the degrading texts accusing me of being a bad girlfriend by going out with new friends

A work trip in San Diego. Not pictured: the degrading texts accusing me of being a bad girlfriend by going out with new friends

My last show at my favorite comedy festival. Not pictured: the pissed off phone calls because I was too busy to talk

My last show at my favorite comedy festival. Not pictured: the pissed off phone calls because I was too busy to talk

My favorite place in the world. Not pictured: the threats of my boyfriend abandoning me and going home early

My favorite place in the world. Not pictured: the threats of my boyfriend abandoning me and going home early

Christmas Eve. Not pictured: the judgement received from my boyfriend for wanting to still see my friends even though he had to stay home with his sick son

Christmas Eve. Not pictured: the judgement received from my boyfriend for wanting to still see my friends even though he had to stay home with his sick son

The after party of a friend’s wedding. Not pictured: the argument after the after party about the attention I was giving my friends and not him

The after party of a friend’s wedding. Not pictured: the argument after the after party about the attention I was giving my friends and not him

The day after a friend’s beach birthday. Not pictured: my exhaustion from being up all night as my boyfriend whispered insults in my ear

The day after a friend’s beach birthday. Not pictured: my exhaustion from being up all night as my boyfriend whispered insults in my ear

Like when I didn’t tell my boyfriend about a late night with an ex. At that point I was already quite familiar with my boyfriend’s temperament and didn’t want to wake the beast. I hadn’t seen my ex-boyfriend/friend in over a year. He never saw my act, he never met my dog. We caught up as we watched my dog tear up his bed. I told him about my shitty job. We said goodnight.

The night my boyfriend found out about this innocent reunion sits with me still today. My poor dog’s confusion at the yelling and stomping and Mommy curled up in a ball on the floor downstairs. The word ‘slut’ being screamed at me as he stood above. The panic that was inside me enough to call the police. It’s insane to think about. I can’t believe that was my life for even just a night.

I didn’t cheat on him until 6 months after that nightmare. That ‘t’ doesn’t seem so hard to me.

I have a couple that lives above me now. I know nothing about them except that they have a dog and they seem happy in the same way I seem happy in the photos above. But their floor is my ceiling. I hear the stomping, I hear the arguing, I hear the pitter patter of Marley likely running back and forth confused at who is right and who is wrong.

That will never be my life again.

So, one more time for those in the back: I cheated. I’m a cheater. And fuck yeah, I am free.

Returning from the Southwest Love Fest by Carolyn Busa

On Monday I opened my mailbox to a new issue of New York Magazine, always an exciting moment. The cover story read: Marriage: An Investigation.

I scoffed at the images that depicted only 2 people in each bed. ‘Typical, normative representation of marriage!’ I thought. ‘Polyamory gets the shaft again!’

Side note: I’m not polyamorous. But I am fired up.

The night before I returned from the Southwest Love Fest, a conference on ethical non-monogamy that took place in Tucson, Arizona. I spent the weekend surrounded by folks who are kicking traditional relationship (and gender) lifestyles in the ass and embracing what works for them as their most authentic selves.  

One of the reasons I started My Sex Project was to figure out my most authentic self. I’ve spent the past 5 years as a fairly single woman and the past year living alone. During this time, I’ve really enjoyed the process of getting to know myself but I’ve also had to push past the negativity associated with being alone. ‘One is the loneliest number.’ ‘The cheese stands alone.’ For some, alone equals bad and sometimes even broken. But what they don’t tell you in “The Farmer in the Dell” (what is a dell?) is that while the cheese stands alone, the cheese does some serious contemplating about what kind of cheese she is, what it means to be cheese, what she loves and doesn’t love about her smells and holes and tastes and textures! The cheese does the hard work.

By being alone, I’ve actually found it easier to open myself up to many people and opportunities (not always sex) that complement the many versions of myself I took the time discovering. Sharing those versions of myself with only one person now overwhelms me.

Awhile back someone told me the origin story of meeting her husband. She knew she was in love with this person but she also wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the lovers she acquired. I feel the same when I open my closet and see all the different outfits and what each one brings out in me. I would never get rid of my favorite summer dress because I found a pair of jeans that fit my ass perfectly. I keep both.

But even this gets hard. Your closet and drawers become full. The jeans fall apart, get stained, shrink. If maintaining a wardrobe is hard, maintaining multiple relationships seems impossible. Clothes are not people, are not bodies, are not creatures with different emotions and needs and wants. And clothes are most definitely not jealous.

Ideas that once scared me about love and relationships, didn’t seem so scary while I was in Tucson. And while I returned inspired, I also returned alone, returned to life. Was it all a dream? The 84 degree weather? The cuddle tent? The hugging? Am I capable of what seems like a challenging lifestyle?

I have a lot to digest (and a lot more to share) about this event. My work isn’t done. My answers aren’t clear. But I am happy to at least have an idea of where to start and where I won’t look back. The world may not be a 24/7 non-monogamy fest but the conversations and thoughts are slowly happening. And maybe they’re happening quicker than I realize: The New York Magazine cover story I scoffed at ended up touching on some of those views, an ad depicting a throuple appears on my commute to work, a poly couple sat up front at my comedy show. Seems I’m not the only one fired up.

Meet Carly Pifer by Carolyn Busa

Carly Pifer wants to create a space that inspires those looking for modern, honest, erotic adventures. She is doing that with her site Aurore. The stories written on Aurore are way better than those in your mom’s worn out romance novel. They come from people like you. Their settings are familiar, not ships or castles. It’s a sexual world many of us can relate to, not just those who have been kept as sex slaves on medieval ships (Is that an actual thing?).

I was excited to get into the mind of Carly.

Name Carly Pifer

Pronouns She/Her

Where do you live? Brooklyn

Tell me about your work I am launching a website for true erotic stories, called Aurore (readaurore.com). I think it’s time to update the genre for a smart, sophisticated reader. The stories on the site so far land somewhere between relationship confessional and literary erotica, they’re cathartic, empowering, feminist, queer, and most of them are done by writers who have never dipped in the genre before. It’s a refreshing alternative to porn, and generally juicy reading material.

Favorite sense and why I’m gonna have to go with smell. If someone smells good to me, it’s incredibly comforting. Also ‘butter melting in a pan smell' makes me very happy.

Sexy scene from a book/movie/tv show that sticks out to you A formative sex scene for me was the one in Fear, when Mark Wahlberg fingers Reese Witherspoon on the ferris wheel. They were such a hot couple before he turned into a psycho stalker!

Weirdest thing that turns you on Watching men do household chores really gets me going. My friend suggested we make an Instagram account called Hot Men Doing Chores, it would be like shirtless boys changing light bulbs and scrubbing dishes, taking out the trash. I think this needs to happen.

Who is your go-to ‘Let’s talk about sex!’ person and why? It feels like I am everyone’s ‘let’s talk about sex’ person! But I have definitely gone to my bottom friends for advice on occasion. Bottoms go through physical hell sometimes, respect.

Who do you wish you could talk about sex with more? Actually my mother, as unlikely as that sounds. I have to assume our sexual proclivities are at least somewhat connected to those of our family members. I am much more open and inquisitive with her now than when I was younger, grilling her on her saga with my father; they’re divorced now, and it’s been a historically intense, explosive relationship that I don’t quite understand, but I want to, it humanizes them. I’m also fascinated with speaking to older women about their romantic past, largely because at a certain age society says women are no longer sexual beings, so I like the idea of reminding them they were and they still are. There’s something so wistful about retelling past sexual encounters…something I do often for Aurore.

What is one thing that you wish became more ‘normal’ with sex? We need to destigmatize STI’s. They are so common, and mostly manageable, and it’s the fear of judgment that usually leads to them getting passed.

You can fuck as any animal for one day. What animal would you be? The graceful and savage praying mantis. I want to be every man’s last and most memorable fuck.

Where do you really, really, really want to have sex? Central Park in early spring when it’s not too hot, but it’s hot enough to be half-naked on a blanket, and somehow there are no creeps around, only other beautiful people that watch tastefully, would be really, really nice.

How do you think your sex drive will age? I am already looking forward to dating someone my son’s age, and I don’t even have a son yet.

I highly suggest heading on over and finding a story that works for you. Or hey. Maybe you’ll want to write one yourself like I did.

Another plant, another person by Carolyn Busa

I’m staring at my ponytail plant in my bedroom. She looks how this last week felt: blah.

I have no idea if she’s dying. If she’s over watered. If she’s pissed off, sad, mad, hot, cold. I’ve moved her twice over the past month to see if that helped. Google says I’m both over watering her and under watering her. WTF, Googs, which one is it!?!?

We never had plants in my house growing up. We had flowers. Bouquets of flowers for holidays, birthdays, dance recitals, and a few spelling bees. The wonderful thing about flowers is they don’t ask for much. They live and they die and there’s no question of what you did right, what you did wrong or what you could have done differently.

A plant can be hiding so many secrets. She’ll look one way but feel another. She’ll disappear for a few months. She’ll want a bigger home. She’ll develop a preference for distilled water. Plants are work. Flowers are immediately beautiful.

My ponytail plant seems to be testing me the same way my relationship patterns test me. As a newly diagnosed avoidant type, I’m at the place in our relationship where I want to throw her out. Start over. Things aren’t perfect therefore it wasn’t meant to be. I’ll be better off with another plant, another person.

When I am interested or attracted to someone, instead of enjoying the crush that it is or letting it develop naturally, I tend to speed things up. “Let’s get on with it, are we a good fit or not?!” I’ll overtly flirt, I’ll put my feelings out there too quickly, or maybe I’ll have sex with them sooner than I should. Then when it doesn’t pan out to be perfect, or when I make things weird or when the sex isn’t immediately beautiful, I think “Oh well.” I don’t let it bother me much because I didn’t commit too much energy, too much of myself to the situation. It wasn’t a big loss. But put a bunch of tiny losses together and add a few years and now, well, now I’ve lost a lot.

When something takes time, I lose interest. Like when I took Spanish classes for a whole 4 months and was disappointed I couldn’t speak Spanish at the end. “What’s the point?” I thought. Looking back, I know I had a fun time, met great people, and know more Spanish than when I started, yet my immediate takeaway was “I can’t speak perfect Spanish therefore I wasted my time.”

I love results. Too much. I have trouble enjoying the ‘in between’ because I’m always in a hurry to get to the end product. My friend told me about his decision to start growing microgreens in his apartment but not to eat. “So, what’s the point?” I asked him. His answer, he liked the process. As someone who doesn’t have the patience to preheat an oven, I was inspired. If I continued to skip and disrespect the process, who knows how many experiences (and quiches) I would sabotage.

These past few months, after forcing myself to accept patience and room for growth, I’ve seen areas of my life benefit. My small takeaways from therapy every week that have made sense of huge life challenges. The benefits to my mind and body after committing to a dance practice I fought to push away. Big surprise, doing the work works.

Last night I spent 15 minutes picking the brown leaves off my plant. I ran my fingers through her leaves and whispered words of affirmation as my dog watched with jealousy. Her secrets may be revealed slowly, but I’ll be patient. When she’s ready, she’ll let me know. She could still be the right plant for me.

How to be a big, dumb, sexy human by Carolyn Busa

Dear readers, I feel like my last few entries have been somewhat introspective and thought-provoking. And as much as I’d always like to churn out high-quality ‘thinkers’, there are weeks I just don’t have it in me. Weeks my brain feels broke. This is one of those weeks. I’m disappointed in myself even though I know it’s impossible to always be ON.

Or is it?


As a woman who during the majority of the week is horny and ‘feeling herself’, I am constantly walking around in a perpetual state of ON. Not in that annoying, comedian way of testing material in what you thought were genuine conversations but in that ‘I am single, sexy, and YOU BETTER REALIZE IT’ way.

It’s a sick game I play with myself and if you ever see me walking down the street, know there is always a sexy, downtempo, electronic, ambient beat playing in my head. I walk around waiting for someone to snatch me up and put me in their music video.

But, man, proving to the world how god damn sexy I feel can be exhausting! Especially when it comes to those situations where sexy doesn’t play a part. Those situations which remind me, oh right, I am a big, dumb human.

I often wonder what the bad guys in movies and television look like when they’re not being bad. When they’re tying their shoes, taking a shit, waking themselves up with their own fart, paying the person who delivers their food to their bad guy dens (any smart bad guy knows not to use an app delivery service). They don’t show these moments in the movies, just as I try hard not to show my own unsexy vulnerability.

I know it’s impossible not to be human, not to show vulnerability but I have decided, screw it, let’s take those moments that strip us of our confidence and make them sexy. Here are some of the humanizing moments from my week (and maybe yours) and what you can do to make them ON moments. If you can’t beat em, join em...while wearing a red lip.

Picking up dog shit
Why this is unsexy:
Shit. Hand.
Make it sexy: Bend over slowly and with purpose, make eye contact with anyone watching, wink

Making more than 1 attempt to zipper jacket
Why this is unsexy:
Lack of hand eye coordination, even a toddler can do it
Make it sexy: Every time you miss, look up, giggle and squeak ‘Oopsy!’

Carrying lunch to work in a plastic bag
Bulky, possible leakage, proof you’re not a sweetgreen person
Make it sexy: Swing bag in step with your walk, throw over shoulder, match your outfits with bag (eg. Target bag, wear red!)

Accidentally opening microwave on someone else’s food in the work cafeteria
Why this is unsexy:
You’re not eating sweetgreen
Make it sexy: Tell the person whose food it is you liked what you saw, wink

Getting stuck in a turtleneck
Why this is unsexy:
You can’t breathe
Make it sexy: Embrace erotic asphyxiation

Trying to count exact change when making a purchase
Why this is unsexy:
Make it sexy: Do it while tying a cherry stem in your mouth

Getting off at the wrong subway stop and then immediately getting back on
Why this is unsexy:
Seeing people you thought you thought you’d never see again
Make it sexy: Announce to everyone “New York, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" and then faint

Very obviously trying to figure out which way the blue dot is moving on your GPS
Why this is unsexy:
You can’t read a map
Make it sexy: Vogue

You fall asleep on train and jerk yourself awake
Why this is unsexy:
Drool, whiplash
Make it sexy: Playfully punch the shoulder of the person next to you and say ‘Babe, I don’t snore!’

Getting X-rays at the dentist
Why this is unsexy:
Didn’t you get X-rays last time? Are you getting scammed? Will insurance cover these?
Make it sexy: Stick your tits out

Getting tested at the Crown Heights Sexual Health Clinic by Carolyn Busa

When it comes time to be a responsible, sexually active person, the feels and fun of sex seem to come to a screeching halt at the idea of getting tested. The phrase ‘getting tested’ is not sexy. Nobody likes a test. Test is pass or fail. Test is ‘Fuck. Did I study enough?’

It’s why I feel so lucky to live a barely 8-minute walk away from the Crown Heights Sexual Health Clinic. New York City offers 8 clinic locations throughout the boroughs where you ‘can get low- to no-cost services for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV’. I’ve visited this location only twice, but each time has been a stress-free and, yeah I’ll say it, enjoyable experience.

I’m sure no two visits are alike, but I hope that by getting an inside look into mine, those of you nervous about getting tested will feel empowered to make the healthy decisions towards your sex life that you and your partners deserve.


As with anything in New York (and anything that is free), it is important to arrive early, arrive patient and arrive with the mantra of ‘This may be awhile.’

The Crown Heights Sexual Health Clinic opens at 8:30 and they won’t open their doors a minute earlier. A line will start to form outside as only the doctors and nurses arriving for the start of their day are allowed in. It was snowing on the morning I chose to go which was probably to my benefit, because when I arrived at 8:20, there was only one other woman outside ahead of me. I felt like a winner already.

The guards opened the doors promptly at 8:30 for the now 4 of us. There’s a slight pressure to run up the stairs to the 2nd floor where the clinic is located, but no need. People respect the order of the line.

When you enter, there will be numbered forms sitting on a table and clipboards if you wish to feel fancy. Yes, I equate clipboards with fancy. Being 2nd in line, my form was #2 and before sitting down I remembered to stamp them in the non-ironic Time Date Stamp Machine. Yes, they still exist and the city of NYC has found a way to use them. Don’t be scared. Shove it in and take a seat.

The waiting area feels more like a freshman year homeroom than a health clinic. Instead of ‘Hang in There’ or ‘Rules of the Classroom’, colorful PrEP posters and ‘No insurance, no problem’ reminders decorate the walls. On the window ledge lives an assortment of pamphlets, condoms (male and female) and l believe even lube. My first time at the clinic I watched as a patient rushed to the ledge and began stocking up. I respected his love of free shit.

The completion of your paperwork depends on what brings you in. A variety of questions are asked: Did you receive a letter or call asking to come in? Have you been sexually assaulted? Have you taken drugs? Been with someone who’s taken drugs? Would you harm yourself if you tested positive for HIV? Date of your last period? Are you showing any symptoms? Since I was there only for STI and HIV testing, I answered N/A for most.

You won’t be tested right away but once things get moving, it’s a steady progression. The people are there to work. I think about the start of my own work day: mosey into the office, flirt with a colleague here, flirt with a colleague there, get my coffee, take a selfie in the bathroom and then finally open my computer twenty-five minutes later. These people don’t have that luxury and at 8:38, number 1 was called. Some music started playing lightly in the background, Aretha Franklin’s ‘I Say a Little Prayer’ to be exact. Perhaps too appropriate a song to be playing but either way, it worked. At 8:43, when there was now 6 of us in the waiting room, 2, aka me, was called.

In the first room, a nurse looks over your completed paperwork and double checks everything is completed accurately. She asked me again what brought me into the clinic, when was the last time I had sex and wanted to make sure that I was able to wait the 30 minutes for HIV results. It’s ok if you can’t, they just recommend that you do. She sent me back to the waiting room to wait for my number to be called again.

At 8:53, my number was called again. This time I was led to a different room and I realized this room held the provider of music.

“Ah, so you’re where the music is coming from?’ I said.
“Yeah.” she laughed turning it down.
“Oh I don’t mind.” I reassured.
“Yeah, it’s too low.” she said and turned it up a few notches. Lionel Richie’s ‘Easy like Sunday morning’ played. The Crown Heights Sexual Health Clinic soundtrack was entirely too good.

This nurse had the job of confirming how I would get my results once available. She provided a unique ID and set up a pin for me to use online or on the phone. She gave me a form to complete if I decided to use insurance but never once asked for payment, an insurance card or my job status. She also had the very important job of showing me how to correctly collect my urine sample.

Don’t you just piss in a cup, Carolyn? No! It is so much more than that! Yes, the process starts by first peeing in a regular, plastic cup. But then you are given the great responsibility of transferring pee from that cup to a test tube of sorts. But be careful! Your pee cannot be under this line or over this line. It has to be right in between!! It’s Price is Right’s Range Game but with pee! Your prize? Sweet, accurate results, baby.

At 9AM I was in the bathroom trying to play the Pee Game, except, I couldn’t pee. ::cue Price is Right loser horn:: I knew soon 3 and 4 would most likely be needing to collect their own samples, so instead of hogging the room, I left and stood outside chugging water. I was glad I did because it was then the counselor made his way to the waiting room for a welcome greeting.

This man, whom I’ll refer to as Sam, looked equal parts English teacher, basketball coach and winning poet. I imagined him at night sipping red wine on a seedy underground stage spitting words of beauty. His welcome was no boring, ‘Welcome to the Crown Heights Sexual Health Clinic, take a number’  greeting. It was the real deal. It was improvisational, it was informative, it was entertaining, it was a part of him. He was the speech. The speech was him.

“Don’t have insurance? Don’t worry. We don’t rock and roll here at the Crown Heights clinic. We’re Beverly Hills. You’re safe.” Did I know what this meant entirely? No. But did I 100% stand behind it? Of course.

Sam kept us updated when it was discovered they’d be down a doctor due to inclement weather. He assured us that this wouldn’t disrupt the day for any of us. “You’re all here for different things but I want you to be able to make an informed decision! I’m from the 60s and 70s. I’d be the one sitting on the train, no one telling me to get off.” ::snaps:: Yes Sam, yes.

The laughs from Sam gave me the extra push I needed to pee where I laughed again when I saw myself in the mirror. There I was bent over the sink, holding a now yellow tube, carefully squeezing until the perfect amount of urine trickled into a test tube. I looked like I was posing for a ‘science class’ stock photo.

At 9:15 I was called in for my bloodwork. I don’t faint or vomit during blood work but I do get a little goofy, talkative and silly. “Well did you eat?” she asked. I didn’t. She playfully scolded me and I apologized. A good reminder that there are no snacks at the clinic.

Her directions were simple: “Make a fist and don’t faint.” She complimented my easily visible, blue veins. What can I say? Phlebotomists love me! She checked in throughout the whole extremely quick process of drawing my blood, which I appreciated, however, it was the finger prick which got me feeling goofy. I felt my wooziness kicking in just as she finally got her sample. Phew. She sent me back to my seat to wait for the HIV results.

At 9:40, dear Sam called my number and invited me to his office, chatting with everyone along the way. “Have a seat.” he said. “Nothing to worry about, your HIV test came back negative and the rest of your results will be available in 7-10 business days but let’s be honest it will be 7. It’s 2019. We just have to say that.” I thanked Sam and told him he needed a raise. I left the office at 9:42, where they were calling number 11.

From arrival to finish, an hour and twenty minute experience. I’ve spent more time than that in line for Van Leeuwen ice cream. A major round of applause for all the employees. I left feeling good, grateful and Google review ready. This place deserved all the stars.

I encourage everyone to get tested however and wherever you feel comfortable. If you’re nervous to go alone, ask a friend, heck, ask three friends. Celebrate your responsibility with coffee and scones after. This process (and your results) should be a topic of conversation that I hope becomes easier and easier to discuss. Because, like Sam said, you’re safe in Brooklyn and I’d like to keep it that way.

I enjoy dancing to 'Single Ladies' but not because I want a ring on it by Carolyn Busa

I love dancing. I love Beyonce. So when 'Single Ladies' comes on at a wedding, guess what? I dance! I do the little knee bumps, the hair flips and most importantly, I do the recognizable hand motion.

As I’m dancing I can feel the stares. Not the stares of ‘Damn, that girl is hot.’ Stares of ‘Look, another girl desperate for a ring.’ But no, DJ Blow Horn Noise! That is not the case! That is not my story! Dancing is how I decompress. How I feel sexy. How I express myself. How I clear the weekly cobwebs that form in my brain. Dancing is how I’ve chosen to put my shit out there.

Women are really good at putting their shit out there. Whether alone or in groups, the attention and creativity women give to self-care is extremely beneficial to our sanities. Our dance parties, face mask nights and brunches may be brushed off as wastes of time or money but they are as self-cleansing as our beautiful vaginas.

Women want to be comfortable with themselves but we’ve also accepted there will be times we don’t. We can't always perform at our preferred 100%. It’s why singer/rapper Lizzo goes to therapy or cancels shows when she’s not taking care of herself. In our moments of doubt, we don’t judge ourselves for seeking reaffirming activities to make us feel better. “I say I love myself, and they’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, she’s so brave. She’s so political.’ For what? All I said is ‘I love myself, bitch!’” says Lizzo.

We don’t always need soul searching to be as mindful as meditation or as eye-opening (slash nauseous) as an ayahuasca retreat in the woods. If I feel like shit and deal with it by high-fiving myself, getting my nails done or bitching to my Uber driver, the benefits are the same, I feel better. I feel good as hell.

As my dating adventures continue, I’ve noticed a few of the men in my life, willingly sharing intimate details of their life in lengthy detail. I’ve also found these are the same men who aren’t willing to share a minute longer of their time and energy towards our relationship.

I’m not an idiot, I am very familiar with the ooey, gooey chemicals in our brains that spark after sex. Men (and especially women) will find themselves accidentally extra chatty post-coital. I know I’ve said a questionable thing or two. Did I really need to share the exact number of days we’ve known each other after we both came? Probably not.

But these admissions from my partners are different from the bonding, chemical reactions of sex. They aren’t meant to bring us closer together or to forge deep, meaningful connection, even by accident.

Imagine holding in your pee for months at a time and then finally finding a toilet. My ears are their toilet. Okay, perhaps a shitty metaphor (Somebody stop me!) but whereas we have spent our whole lives mastering a back and forth exchange throughout a variety of support systems, men seem to save it all up for that person they are currently connected to, no matter how ‘casual’.

Sex therapist Esther Perel said in a recent Glamour article, “The shame men deal with around their identity as a man, makes it harder for them to receive the support they need for positive interpersonal relationships.” One of her suggestions to help this problem is to create more spaces for men to connect, in particular, places that don’t involve competition. If spaces were created where men could share stories and not stats, overtime, it might become easier for them to show vulnerability in front of each other, an act which I think women excel.

Maybe being vulnerable isn’t so scary for us because we’re not saving it all up for one person. We share intimate details about ourselves to connect with others but also to connect with ourselves. We are consistently doing the work, consistently dancing to Beyonce, to Lizzo, to whatever makes ourselves feel and function better. If and when I do want ‘a ring on it’, my partner won’t be my entire support system. When my shit hits the fan, I’ll be asking more than one person to help clean up the mess. You in?

Emojibator by Carolyn Busa

I’ve never been a strong emoji user. Something about being a writing major and emoji user never sat right with me. It’s why when texting a potential ‘love interest’ in the early stages of our getting to know each other, I find if they use too many emojis, I am easily turned off. If they communicate in gifs, I will flatline. We’re adults. Use your words. But! I have finally found an emoji that turns me on. An emoji I wouldn’t mind being used over and over (and maybe under?) again.

Meet Emojibator.

Emojibator launched in 2016 back in my neck of the woods in the great city of Philadelphia (Go Phils!) by Joe Vela and Kristin Fretz. The two ‘believe in humor and education to promote a society that celebrates pleasure.’ Pleasure and humor? This sexually peaking comedian was an immediate fan.  

Emojibator currently offers 5 types of Emoji-themed vibrators: the Eggplant (🍆), the Chili Pepper (🌶), the Banana (🍌), the Chickie (🐣), and the Shark (🦈). But when the time came for me to decide which vibe I was going to try, I went for the signature dish - the Eggplant. The Eggplant was the original Emojibator, the ‘Magic Kingdom’ if you will. And if it’s your first time in Disney World, you always start at the Magic Kingdom.

My Eggplant Emojibator arrived directly into my little, Brooklyn mailbox - no signature needed. What a sigh of relief when your sensitive deliveries arrive safely and don’t get sent away to die at your local two and half star, kill-me-now post office (Did you know 🏤 is a European post office emoji?!).

I was already running late for work but I couldn’t resist tearing the package open for a look. This little guy was cute and quite frankly, didn’t look like a vibrator at all. At first glance, it looked more like a novelty chapstick more than anything. As somewhat of an artist, I’ve enjoyed this trend of colorful, beautiful, artistic, cleverly created sex toys. I’ve always been a fan of vibrators that can be left out without too much worry. No, I don’t want a glass dildo centerpiece in my living room but I wouldn’t blush too hard if my little Eggplant Emoji was accidentally on display.

Later on, I was pleasantly surprised to learn my Emojibator has an impressive 10 speeds. Usually when something is that cute, you expect it to be just that - cute. Like I imagine a Hello Kitty waffle iron maybe doesn’t make the best waffles, right? Plus, I was always more of a Keroppi head, anyway. But this lil nightshade has all the fun, alternating speeds like any other hand-held vibrator you’d pay upwards of $50 for.

Another pleasant surprise was how the slightly curved shape of the eggplant hugs and contours in all the right places and yes, it is safe for insertion! 😍😍😍!

I was so excited to surprise a special friend with my new eggplant. I was even more excited when, at my arrival, he had freshly picked carrots from his garden* ready for me to taste. The vegetable Gods were indeed having some fun and I knew with Eggplant Emojibator, we were about to have some fun as well.

*I only date people with gardens

When a 'thing' ends by Carolyn Busa

Upset that a ‘thing’ you had with someone recently ended? Don’t be. It was probably barely a ‘thing’!

To be clear, a ‘thing’ is different for everyone. A ‘thing’ can be when you’re seeing someone, dating someone, having sex with someone. I used to laugh when people mourned the end of ‘things’ that had only been 3 months. Four months. Even 6 months. I had been in two 4-year relationships. ‘That’s nothing.’ I’d think.

But as it continued to (and continues to) become harder and harder to find real, lasting connections with people, rather lovers, I realized I was becoming one of those people upset by the end of, what I would previously consider, short, ‘things.’

Well, surprise! I didn’t like the way that felt! I didn’t like the power that these ‘things’ held and I wanted to do something about it. There had to be a way to make me, make all of us, feel less bad.

And guess what? There is!

All you have to do to make the ‘thing’ you’re upset about feel less upsetting is plug it into this very easy, very mathematically correct equation:

TAW x 4 = MTR(NOM > 5) = TNTM(ALOH) = HT

Confused? Let’s take a look! How many times a week (TAW) did your ‘thing’ take place? Okay, now multiply that by 4 (for 4 weeks in a month). There. That’s your Monthly ‘Thing’ Rate or MTR. Now take your MTR and multiply that by the number of months (NOM) your ‘thing’ lasted. This number should not exceed 5. (If your ‘thing’ exceeded 5 months, it was not a ‘thing’. It was a relationship and therefore I cannot help you). Where were we? Right, we just multiplied your MTR by # of months which gives us your Total Number of ‘Thing’ meetings aka TNTM (not to be confused with TMNT, everyone’s favorite mutant turtles).

Still confused? Don’t worry, we’re getting there. Let’s break down the TNTM of a recent ‘thing’ of mine that ended. My TNTM was 20 (It so happens my ‘thing’ fell on a few holidays which led to some extra meetings). Continuing on, the average length of our hangs (ALOH) was 3 hours (When doing this exercise yourself, only count conscious time together, sleeping hours do not count). So now I’m going to take my TNTM and multiply it by my ALOH which leaves me with my total number of Hours Together (HT), 60.

Wow. 60 hours together. That’s it!

60 hours isn’t even a 3-day weekend.

60 hours is barely 7.5 business days of boning. No way you’re putting that on a resume.

60 hours isn’t even the entire series of the 75 episodes of The Americans let alone the 86 episodes of The Sopranos (Imagine you stopped watching after “Marco Polo” and never found out what happened with Tony and Carmela in the pool?).

60 hours is only three 19-hour flights from Newark to Singapore. Ugh, Newark!

60 hours is a cross country trip from New York to Los Angeles, with a handful of rest stops. Nothing you can’t do alone!

60 hours is only .6% of Malcolm Gladwell’s debunked 10,000 hour mastery rule! You ain’t gonna master a skill and you ain’t gonna master this ‘thing’.

So, let’s get over our ‘things’ however long they were because guess what? You’ll be using that equation again soon enough. Another ‘thing’ is always around the corner. Until then, be grateful of the hours together (HT) we get back to focus on our friends, our family, our work, our pets, and of course, ourselves.

Binging and Boning by Carolyn Busa

Whether you’ll be watching Super Bowl LIII this weekend or not, there still remains a lot of TV to watch. Too much. But there’s also a lot of sex to have. This is quite the predicament. How do we keep up with our sex lives while also keeping up with all the latest and greatest tv shows, games, documentaries, commercials, miniseries, docuseries, game shows, and 60 Minute interviews everyone is talking about?!

Just like everyone enjoys sex differently, people enjoy TV differently too. What if you and your partner aren’t on the same episode? What if one of you is, ahem, behind? What about having sex during season finales? Series finales? My god, British Bake Offs?!


There are many ways to watch (or, if you’re a squirter, stream) without sacrificing your libido. I’ve done some research and, with the help of Bad Girls Bible, compiled some of the more popular viewing pleasures with the best positions. But remember, when attempting any of the below, exercise caution and protection. Condoms, yes, but you may also want to consider ear plugs for the Maroon 5 Halftime Show.

The One With The Episode You’ve Seen A Million Times
Every now and then we sacrifice the new, popular show for something we’ve seen a million times before. Reruns make us feel safe, feel comfortable. We can quote every episode and yet still laugh at a joke we’ve heard a million times before (Think Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld). Given the urge to quote the dialogue of your favorite characters, you may find face to face positions best. However, you may also find your familiarity with the show will allow you to lose yourself in the moment. Go crazy!
Recommended Positions: Face to Face, Acrobat
Bonus features: Dirty role play your favorite characters (“Could I BE any more wet?”)

Playing Catch-Up (The Good Girl/Boy Scenario)
There are times in a relationship you may watch an episode of ‘your show’ without the other partner. In this ‘good’ scenario, you went ahead with your partner’s permission. Maybe you’re one of those forward-thinking couples who allows each other to explore shows without the other partner present. These positions focus on giving your partner the best view while you stay busy.
Recommended Positions: The High Chair
Bonus features: Shh. No talking!

Playing Catch-Up (The Bad Girl/Boy Scenario)
In this scenario, the partner did not have permission to move ahead in the show. You broke a promise to only enjoy the show together. This greatly changes how to approach the catch-up. Bring out the handcuffs because someone’s about to be punished.
Recommended Positions: Handcuffed to a bed, obviously
Bonus features: Take no chances of an accidental spoiler and turn that volume up

Planet Earth
Every now and then we need a break from reality tv in the form of housewives and watch the original reality programming: nature documentaries. Sensual birds of paradise, safari landscapes, carnivorous cravings  - you’ll find it very easy to bring out your inner beast. Challenge yourself with positions you’ve always been too reserved to do. They won’t be pretty but they will be wild.
Recommended Positions: Doggy Style (duh), The Praying Mantis
Bonus Features: Make a promise to only make animal noises

Murder/Mystery/Creep Documentary
There’s an obvious trend of creepy, crimey, murdery, addictive documentaries. Not only are they creepy, they’re a huge time commitment, they’re very depressing, and sometimes they don’t even give you all the answers! It’s tempting to just 69 and call it a day. But you have to pay attention and having your head buried in someone’s crotch will not allow for that. For this type of viewing, focus on side, spooning positions. Make sure you both are focused on the details and each other.
Recommended Positions: Sofa Spooning
Bonus Features: Follow-up with a looooong shower

Can’t Stand The Heat
Cooking shows can be relaxing like Barefoot Contessa or stress-inducing like Top Chef. Whatever the pace, do the obvious and move to the kitchen. Have a laptop or tablet handy because you’re going to be moving around a lot. Here’s where we bring out all of our kitchen counter, bent over table, ass against the fridge positions. Set a kitchen timer (you don’t want your dinner burning) and chop, chop!
Recommended Positions: Washing Machine, Sitting
Bonus Features: That bottle of sesame oil has been sitting there awhile

The Cliffhanger - Season Finale F**king
Whether you’ve been watching a show live as it airs or binged an entire season, reaching the season finale is always an exciting moment. Channel that excitement into your sex and bounce it out! I recommend finishing before the last critical 15 moments of the episode. Those surprise cliffhangers could really hurt someone.
Recommended Positions: Bouncing Spoon
Bonus Features: Write down your predictions and reward those that were close

It Was all a Dream - Series Finale F**king
You’ve spent the last few weeks (or months) watching this show. It’s likely you both will have a lot of emotions attached to the show and to the characters. Give the show and sex the respect it deserves. Deep, long, and intense positions.
Recommended Positions: Deep Impact, Cross
Bonus Features: Keep tissues close by

*In both season and series finale sessions, be sure to make time for a post-finale recap. Ask each other questions: What did you think of that finale? Was it worth it? What would you do differently? *

Your favorite slogans sex-ified! by Carolyn Busa

Okay, so I wasn’t able to come up with any sex resolutions a few weeks ago. However, I was able to do the very serious task of sexifying your favorite slogans! I know, I know! Genius! Spectacular! Exactly what you needed! Not at all a waste of my time or yours! Enjoy.

  1. Once You Pop The Fun Won’t Start For A Few More Years After You Figure Your Shit Out

  2. Because Your Orgasm Is Worth It

  3. Eat Fresh (Hygiene Is important)

  4. I’m Loving It (It = Sex)

  5. Just Do It (Even On Your Period)

  6. It’s Finger Blastin’ Good

  7. Have It Your Consensual Way

  8. Good to the Last Drop Of Lube

  9. America Runs on Fuckin

  10. Threesomes! They’re Magically Delicious!

  11. So Easy a Caveman Can Do It (And Did! That’s Why We’re Here!)

  12. Snap, Crackle, Pop That Pussy

How being a Disney freak brought out my inner freak in the bedroom by Carolyn Busa

I love Disney World. I also love sex. But up until recently, my relationship with Disney World and my relationship with sex remained very separate. They had to be, right?

Disney World is for family vacations and children’s imaginations. Sex was naked bodies, sweat, ups and downs, ins and outs — dirty things that can’t be whispered within miles of wholesome Disney World. The Carolyn who roamed Disney in a vintage Epcot Center T-shirt desperately trying get a picture with Lilo and Stitch would never meet the Carolyn desperately trying to remember where she threw her underwear.

But as I began exploring my sexuality a bit, um, deeper, I learned those two Carolyns may have more in common than I thought. Especially the Carolyn who started to venture into the world of sexual dominance and submission. When I was having submissive sex, I was someone else, I was somewhere else. I was physically and mentally exhausted yet refreshed and clear-headed.

I wondered why I was so easily drawn to it. Then it hit me. Fantasy, control, play, exhaustion, freedom, comfort — all of these played a part in the world of dominance-and-submission sex just as much as they played a part in the world of Disney. Being submissive may have been new to me sexually, but I was well-trained in submitting… to a theme park. The Disney freak — the side of me I thought was so innocent — ended up being the side of me that influenced the not-so-innocent freak in the bedroom.

Welcome to Fantasyland

I know I’m in Disney World when I pass through the Disney gates on World Drive in Orlando. The names of highways and streets suddenly get more magical. The buses have ears. I’m surrounded by all things Disney. I make my way to the Magic Kingdom, where I am greeted with the following message that hangs above the entrance: “Here You Leave Today and Enter the World of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy.”

A good Disney freak knows this quote front and back. It reminds those entering that you have given yourself over. Everything you do for the next day, three days or even 10 days will be controlled by the mouse.

Similarly, when I enter the bedroom of a trusted dom (that is, the dominant person in a sexual relationship), I also lose control. As my leader, he tells me where to sit. He tells me how to sit. He tells me how long to sit. He tells me these things all while playing another important role — the role of my protector. I’ve never felt unsafe losing control with him just as I’ve never felt unsafe losing control in Disney World. It is the job of both Disney World and a dom to take control in a way that still allows you the freedom to explore within the confines of a safe, contained space.

I grew up in a fairly strict household: locked doors, curfews, mandatory “meet the parents first” before a sleepover. But Disney World was the first place my parents allowed me to “let it go” (There had to be at least one Frozen reference). I rode the monorail alone. I explored the parks alone. As long as I had my “key to the kingdom” (now seen in the form of customizable MagicBands), I was free to roam. My parents trusted Disney to keep me safe. The well-thought-out organization of the park gave anxious parents like mine a moment of relief while giving children like me a freedom I knew wouldn’t remain once back home.

During sex, I am able to let myself go the same way my parents let me go years before. It is safe to roam, to go crazy, to enjoy a side of myself that usually remains hidden.

When I play the role of the submissive sexual partner, I transform from my usual buttoned-up, play-by-the-rules self into a child that needs direction. I whine. I pout. I push back. I want to go where I’m not allowed, touch what I’m not allowed to touch. This exploration reminds me of childhood when every moment was an exciting new discovery. When my eyes lit up at new sights and sounds. When I could still be surprised.

A surprise around every corner

Whether it’s a child’s first time or seasoned annual pass-holders, Disney continues to surprise their visitors. On my most recent trip, I was awestruck at the nightly Happily Ever After fireworks over Cinderella’s castle just as much as the little girl experiencing Disney for the first time. Disney had managed to transform this castle I’ve seen a dozen times before into an entirely new viewing experience. My senses perk in pleasure when I’m in Disney World and when I’m in the bedroom — the touch of rope tied around my chest, the sound of unknown movements, the smell of pineapple moments before it is fed to me while blindfolded.

To heighten our senses even more, fans of Disney World and fans of dominance-and-submission sex save these spaces for certain possessions that don’t have a home in the “real world.” Our favorite gear comes out to play the same time we do. Within the confines of the parks, Mickey ears are not only welcomed, they’re normal. I’ve found as a participator of dominance-and-submission sex, I’ve begun a different collection: special outfits dedicated to my nights, toys only permitted for our use. When I’m surrounded by people of the same passion or mindset, I can fully embrace a side of myself that may be judged negatively outside the kingdom.

Both Disney freaks and freaks in the bedroom have to be careful about who they reveal their passions to. Not everyone understands why we want to go on vacation or have sex where there is an unspoken demand to “be good.” Why would someone want sex with rules and limitations? A vacation where the lines are long? Dominance-and-submission sex is by my no means easy sex, just as Disney World is by no means an easy vacation.

Anyone who’s taken a trip to Disney World with the FastPass knows your limits will be pushed and your days will be planned to the minute. Your Disney Dining plan dictates where and when you’ll be eating. Your FastPasses tell you where and when you’ll be riding. We don’t understand how people take carefree, go-with-the-flow trips to Disney. How can you go with the flow when there is so much to do and explore? We relish in the painstaking detail because in the end, we know we will be rewarded.

Disney understands that while it is your vacation, it’s not always R&R. Adjustments have to be made in order for you to remain comfortable — whether it’s the park always placing trash cans within 30 feet of each other, the detailed interactive line queues that make passing the time before your favorite ride less painful or the out-of-this-world fireworks displays that end of a tired day.

Comfort has to be considered in the bedroom too — the long oiled massages soothe your skin after spanking, the cold grapes after hot oral sex, the release of a well-deserved orgasm after a long, tortured wait. You may leave exhausted, but you’ll never leave disappointed.

Dominance-and-submissive sex has taught me sex is so much more than a penis inside a vagina, more than an orgasm and more than a story to tell your friends. Sex is letting go of the person I have to be and becoming the person I want to be. It is my job to provide spaces for that person to come out and play. To fantasize. To be a freak. Whether it’s letting go of everything “normal” for five days and four nights at a park or three hours in the bedroom, those moments provide the self-nourishment I need and will indeed return to for inspiration — with or without the mouse ears.

This article originally appeared on SheKnows

Book Review: Full Disclosure by Stormy Daniels by Carolyn Busa

I have a small tower of books I’ve collected in preparation for My Sex Project. I’ll be honest and say Full Disclosure was not one of them. No, I came across this book from an unlikely source: my grandmom.

Grandmom has always been able to crank out a book faster than I can read a Buzzfeed list. It’s why a friend of my mom’s routinely passes her previously read books to Grandmom. Over the holidays I saw Full Disclosure at the top of her most recent bag of books.

“I think I’ll read this first.” I said quickly grabbing the book, somehow thinking I was saving Grandmom from embarrassment, the grandmom who happily volunteered to be interviewed for my web series Sexually Speaking. I didn’t know much about the Stormy/Trump drama. I knew she fucked our now president. I knew there was hush money. And I knew she was a ::gasp:: porn star. It hit enough check marks to qualify for an MSP read.

I have to admit: I removed the book cover. Not because I was embarrassed or ashamed to be reading the book. It’s just the picture was so god dang cheesy! Stormy is no doubt incredibly gorgeous but this. This was CHEESE. Was she on a picnic blanket? Why are her legs kicked up behind her like she’s Kristy on a Babysitter’s Club book cover? This looked like an ad for Doublemint Gum not a salacious tell-all. I imagined the commercial:


It’s a sunny, beautiful day. Stormy rides in on a bike, smiling. Her teeth sparkle. She gets off her bike and parks it by a bench. In her basket, she pulls out a copy of Full Disclosure.

Things aren’t always sunny…

MICHAEL COHEN rides by on a skateboard, barely missing Stormy.

...especially when you’re Stormy!

Some things I didn’t know about Stormy:

Stormy loves horses
Stormy starred in more than one Judd Apatow movie
Stormy has a daughter
Stormy’s pregnancy was as much of a nightmare as the Trump scandal
Stormy directed music videos
Stormy once had a short run for a seat in the Louisiana senate
Stormy directed and starred in a 3-hour Western porn called Wanted
Stormy is a big fan of Saturday Night Live

This book is exactly what it’s supposed to be. We get a peek into how Stormy became Stormy. We get the scandal. And, obviously, we get her side of the story. Don’t you wish there was a section in bookstores for My Side of the Story books?

Honesty is a recurring theme throughout Full Disclosure. Stormy is well aware she profited from this situation. Her Make America Horny Again stripping tour, which she insists she had no part in naming, certainly made her more money than her usual tours. But this type of work is what she’s always done. Why would more money stop her?

Not only is Stormy smart when it comes to her career, she is undoubtedly confident. It’s this confidence that I think scares people. Makes people dislike her.  Makes her an easy target. I loved this quote from Jill Filipovic in her own Washington Post Full Disclosure review:

As I found myself comparing Daniels to Trump, I also became shamefully aware that even the most feminist-minded among us often are viscerally repelled when we witness women who are unvarnished in their normal human self-interest.

Beyond the grounds for potential campaign finance violations, it’s this more profound examination of our subtler biases that Daniels has brought about. Her rags-to-riches story tacks a familiar course, but she got there via sex and brazen power-seeking — things women are not supposed to be quite so blatant about.

Let’s not discount either that Stormy is already a writer. She’s written the scripts for over 70 adult films and, as mentioned above, one of them an epic 3 hours. She’s good at everything she does.

Sure, Full Disclosure probably could have been just fine as a three part series in a magazine or something. But I understand its purpose and decided I will give the book back to Grandmom. She may cringe during the description of Trump’s dick (I know I did) but Stormy’s life is pretty interesting, even before Donald. Her alcoholic mother, her sexual abuse, her pregnancy, her decision to buy a mangy horse - these stories could and should live on her own. I hope Stormy writes more.

Resolutions for a new year by Carolyn Busa

I previously mentioned how one of my inspirations for My Sex Project was Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. Throughout her project, Gretchen used each month to focus on one theme. For example, January was Boost Energy, February, Remember Love.

Within that, she chose resolutions to keep which would support each month’s theme: Go to sleep earlier, exercise better, quit nagging, fight right. Sometimes these resolutions were big like March’s Enjoy the fun of failure and sometimes they were small like April’s Sing in the mornings. I liked this idea and thought of creating my own sex resolutions. So one night, a few months ago, I tried to figure out what those might be.

I sat on my couch and thought hard. What am I missing from my sex life? I drank a cup of mango juice and thought harder. What do I need to work on in my sex life? I reheated my Indian leftovers. What do I want more of? I reheated the rest of the naan. What do I want less of? I took a shit. I remembered my friend telling me about some sexy movie I needed to watch. I texted him asking for the name. “Hitchcock’s North by Northwest” he said. “It’s crazy hot.”

I found the movie and shelled out the $3 hoping for inspiration. Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint certainly oozed a special kind of chemistry:

Eve: How do I know you aren't a murderer?
Roger: You don't.
Eve: Maybe you're planning to murder me right here tonight?
Roger: Shall I?
Eve: Please do.

Crazy hot, yes, but now I was just crazy horny.  My mission for the night moved further into the distance as my focus went towards Who can I sext? As I searched my phone, Amazon Prime snuck up on me and started playing another sexy movie - Disobedience. Well, after that, I couldn’t come up with a single, manageable resolution that didn’t involve either foreign spies or Orthodox Jews. This was going nowhere.

I’ve been pretty good about questioning my likes and dislikes with sex and generally ‘keeping in touch’ with my body so I was frustrated with my inability to come up with clear, simple resolutions. Frustrated but not surprised. I’ve never been someone who could quickly and easily list off defining qualities about myself. My heroes, my mottos, my goals, I mean, even my favorite music. Like my sexuality, music is such an important part of my life and yet when someone asks me what I like listening to, I get exhausted thinking about a response. I open Spotify and show them my latest, varied playlist. “Here. This.

During these moments I think of Ann from cycle 3 of America’s Next Top Model. Random reference, I know but at Ann’s elimination, the judges grilled her on basic simple ‘things’, desperate to discover what inspired her.

Judges: Who’s your favorite actress?
Ann: I don’t have one.
Judges: Who’s your favorite singer?
Ann: I just listen to all types.
Tyra: Maybe that’s the problem. Because you’re not pulling from inspiration.

Dammit Ann! Gwyneth Paltrow, Celine Dion...say anyone! Despite the ridiculousness of the judges’ exercise, I sympathized with her. There was something inside Ann that she didn’t yet know how to express or where it came from or what it even meant and ultimately that got her eliminated. Well that and competitor turned Housewife, Eva Pigford’s ability to bring in higher ratings. But basically, You don’t know yourself well enough. Bye bye. Pack your bags.

Now that it was a new year (and not just a random Tuesday), I thought maybe I should try again. Would the beginning of 2019 make thinking of resolutions an easier process?

Hours and two seasons deep into FX’s The Americans later...nope. Thinking of sexual resolutions was kinda impossible when 1) Philip and Elizabeth Jennings kept murdering people and 2) I had no idea what my sexual future looked like. It’s hard to define ‘resolutions’ I want for my sex life when each experience is going to prove itself to be completely unique from the next. Consider my various distractions: The sultry, almost disturbing dialogue of North by Northwest. The forbidden nature of the lovemaking in Disobedience. The deep connection shared by Elizabeth and Philip in their long ‘What did we just do?’ stares. Each moment sexy to me for their own very sexy, very unique reason. I can’t force the feelings, the smells, the tastes that will surround the moment right then and there. A promise to Talk dirty or Stare intensely into my partner’s eyes is pointless when I just don’t know. I can’t force it. Perhaps not a ‘sex resolution’, but a way of life, is to keep discovering, keep learning, keep becoming the most me I can be based on what I am given.

I thought about what Tyra said regarding Ann’s treatment of modeling: “I don’t think she thinks it’s about hard work. I don’t think she thinks it has anything to do with any type of research.” Well here I am. This is my research. Happy new year.

Gifts for you or me or us by Carolyn Busa

Listen. It’s not Christmas (or even the day after Christmas). But that doesn't mean today, tomorrow or next week isn’t a good time to treat yourself to one of these slightly sexy gift ideas that have recently crossed my radar either by personal experience or curiosity. Do your research, find a friend (or not) and this 2019, treat yourself. Just make sure to tell me all about it and tag me in the pics.

See a movie at Cinema L’Amour
Okay, so this one involves a trip to Canada but what good gift doesn’t? I heard about this theater at one of last year’s Touchpoint events I attended. One of the storytellers told a wonderful story about a gift her boyfriend had given her. That gift was a visit to this theater. Montreal’s Cinema L’Amour is a “voyeuristic, exhibitionist, stress-free, drug-free, violence-free environment” according to owner Steve Koltai. Not only does this theater screen porn but it provides a place for solo patrons or couples to ‘get busy’. For an extra price you can even reserve a spot on the couples’ area in the balcony.

This admittedly grossed me out at first. But as I listened to this woman’s story about her semi-public sexual encounter and their ability to let go both physically and mentally, it got me a lil hot.

Toys, toys, toys
No matter the time of year, you can’t go wrong with a visit to Babeland or the sex toy store of your choice. Try a new shape, size or texture for yourself or buy someone a gift card and let them decide. Another option, if you’re feeling a little ‘demanding’, tell them what you’d like them to purchase.

One of my favorite, sexy experiences was when a visiting lover sent me a gift card to my local sex shop a few days before he arrived. Included in that were direct instructions on exactly what I was to purchase. The thrill of following his instructions turned both of us on days before his arrival. It made for a great experience when we were finally together and now it’s impossible not to think of him whenever I use his gift. Smart move!

Get reservations to an over the top, immersive restaurant
There was a time when taste was the most important sense for dining out. But now restaurants have become complete sensory experiences. Or in the case of those pitch black restaurants, limited senses.

This is why I recommend Blue Hill at Stone Barns, which I was lucky enough to experience a few years back.  I’m sure dining in one of those dark restaurants has the potential to be sexy (and sloppy). But I know for me, seeing the faces of enjoyment from a good bite of food is one of the best parts of the dining process. Tasting something amazing, locking eyes with someone and sharing that moment of complete satisfaction. It’s like coming at the same time.

This will happen nonstop for you at Stone Barns where yes, it is a restaurant, but more than that, it is an overwhelming sensory experience. From the website, “There are no menus at Blue Hill at Stone Barns. Instead, guests are offered a multi-taste feast featuring the best offerings from the field and market.” In my experience, my dining partner and I were treated to plate after plate of the most delightful vegetables (and meat if you’d like) that were grown and raised at the very place we were seated. It was a nearly 4 hour sensual cacophony of yummy noises, eyes rolling back in our head, explanations of ‘Oh my god’, tears of joy as we swallowed mini burgers made of tomatoes.

Check your calendars, save your pennies (it’s not cheap) and go with someone you want to rub.

Attend a nonmonogamy/poly conference
I’ve never been to Comic-Con and I don’t really have the urge. But I do get jealous of an event that immerses you into another world, another culture, another lifestyle. I want to be surrounded by people of similar viewpoints and similar questions. I want to be somewhere I can learn about a topic that interests me and get a free tote bag.

It’s hard to find popular multi-day events in the topics of sex and love and all that kind of stuff. These various events may not be as popular as Comic Con or a random porn star convention in Edison, NJ (Yes, that exists!), but I still think they seem pretty interesting.

January 25 - 28th: Winter Poly Wonderland
March 28 - 31st: Southwest Love Fest
March 29 - 31st: RelateCon
May 4 - 5th: Solo Polyamory Conference
July 10-12th: National Sexual Health Conference

And if none of those seem sexy or interesting enough for you (and if you don’t have a crippling fear of the ocean like I do), try a Couples Cruise!

Get a sexy photo shoot
Last Christmas my sister gave me a Groupon for a sexy, boudoir photoshoot. She knew I was going through a ‘sexual awakening’ and figured a day of dressing sexy in front of the camera would add to that. She was right. Though I will say, if I were to do again, I may bring tequila to help with the initial nerves.

My photoshoot at Bad Kitty was worlds more enjoyable than the Glamour shots I took in the Deptford Mall back in 2013. (Note to self: don’t take sexy photos when you’re in the final stages of an unsexy, failing relationship.)

Sure, there were cheesy moments when my photographer said something like ‘Get it, girl!’ that snapped me out of my sexy but their enthusiasm also brought the best out in me.

Despite the rumors, I did not take these photos ‘for the likes’, I took these photos for the opportunity to see what exactly my version of sexy looks like. I’ve taken sexy selfies but I’ve never seen my ass in the air or my thighs from above and damn, they look good! They were also covered in some of the most creamiest, delightful lotion provided by my photographer but I still think I deserve most of the credit.

A work of art by Laura Berger
If it’s not photos of friends and family hanging in my apartment it’s various, random, naked women. I think my nipple count is at least 16. Laura Berger’s paintings wouldn’t necessarily add to my nipple count but they are indeed beautiful, nude depictions of women.

Laura’s paintings involve the bodies of women in various shapes, colors, and positions. They are almost always intertwined and touching. They seem incredibly exclusive while at the same welcoming you to their feminine tribe. I look at the women in her work and I ask myself how can I become their friends? I want in!   

Naked trip to the sauna
I had my first sauna experience this past year in Düsseldorf, Germany at Vabali. It was hours before my flight to Dublin so my friends and I killed time by killing toxins. The entirely nude grounds of the sauna had me excited but nervous. Naked bodies walking calmly from room to room and me trying to keep my cool in 100+ degree saunas. Not only did I have to adjust to sitting in extreme heat, I had to adjust to extreme nudity.

I started the day like a lost puppy, nervously following my friend and her husband closely. Am I doing it right? Can I cross my legs like this? You put the honey where?! But after an hour I was roaming free. Roaming free among the gorgeous landscapes, the massive grounds, the pools with lovely views, the fireplaces, the cozy beds with embroidered pillows, the welcoming Buddhas. Being naked became increasingly easier the more I felt like royalty. I was aroused not at the bodies, but at the entire experience. This was a relaxation I never felt before. It oozed out of me.

I’m sure every sauna provides a different experience. They probably aren’t all as amazing as Vabali but I am definitely open to experimenting. Trip to King Spa and Sauna anyone?

This weekend I masturbated in my parent’s house and here’s what happened by Carolyn Busa

I took my pants off.
My mom knocked on the door.
I put my pants back on.
I told my mom I didn’t need her to wash my clothes (I did).
I took my pants off again.
I thought about fucking.
I came.
I went on Facebook.
The boy who beat me in the 1996 spelling bee randomly liked a post.
I thought about fucking the boy who beat me in the 1996 spelling bee.
My dad yelled asking if I wanted ravioli.
I yelled ‘Yeah, I’ll eat some, thanks!’
I tried remembering the word that made me lose.
It wasn’t ‘photosynthesis’.
I definitely spelled that one right.
Can you believe it?
A 5th grader correctly spelling photosynthesis?
It was amazing.
I came again.
I messaged the boy who beat me in the 1996 spelling bee.
He told me the word was ‘hygiene’.
He also told me he was divorced.
I came again!
My dad yelled asking how many ravioli I wanted.
I yelled ‘Well, how big are they?’
He yelled ‘They’re decent!’
I yelled ‘I’ll take 4!’
I closed my eyes.
I thought about fucking again.
My dad yelled that dinner was ready.
I yelled ‘Okay!’
I tried for a fourth.
My mom also yelled that dinner was ready.
I yelled ‘I know!’
I got frustrated.
It wasn’t going to happen.
I put my pants on.
I went downstairs.
I ate ravioli.
I asked my dad for a ride to Mike’s.
My dad drove me to Mike’s.
I commented on the neighbor’s Christmas decorations.
I thought of that time in college he picked me up from TJ’s.
And I reeked of marijuana.
Did I reek of masturbation?
I told myself to shut up.
We got to Mike’s.
I told my dad I loved him.
The end.